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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

“HONOR all people“…

I Peter 2:17

In a world encrusted with cynicism and  criticism when HONOR  breaks through it’s a bright and shining moment! Opportunities are all around us to honor people…strangers as well as people we know. Jesus always had his eyes open to situations where he could encounter a person and show them honor. The Apostle Paul even honored those in authority who were sentencing him to prison! To honor someone is to acknowledge their worth and show them respect.

Genuine Honor
I once read that “you can’t give someone responsibility without giving them authority.” Sometimes we mistake placating for honor. “Placating” is to “appease” or to “soothe by concession”.
We can throw someone a bone instead of giving them something they can sink their teeth into! It’s the difference between letting someone do a job for you and giving them a job to do.
Moses said to give some of your authority to the Joshuas thus honoring the callings and gifts of the next generation. Which brings me to the next topic….

Generational Honor
I was sharing with a group of young people and I asked the question, “What do you feel is the biggest misconception that people my age have in regards to your generation?”  I was totally surprised that the answer was “ You think that we don’t want to hear what you have to say.” The fact is each generation needs to hear what each other has to say! I honor and value the perspective that younger generations have in regards to where we are as a culture. My point of reference cannot take me to the places of relevance that are crucial for me. As hard as I try I simply cannot think like a young person! (‘cuz I’m simply not young) In turn the experience and insight that my years have given me are valuable to that young person just heading into life. I’m honored to sit and have coffee with a young person - sharing our insights with one another.

Generous Honor
As I was waiting for my breakfast companion to show up at IHOP one morning I noticed a young man contemplating the menu. He was 18-20 years old with an abundance of piercings and tattoos. He asked the waitress, “How much is this if I don’t get the whipped cream?”  I felt the prodding of the Holy Spirit that I was to buy this young man breakfast and let him know that God loves him. I approached him and said , “This might seem a little weird to you, but I’m a Christian and I just feel that God wants to let you know how much He loves you and I was wondering if you would give me the PRIVILEGE of buying your breakfast?” His response was “cool!” And of course I encouraged him to get the whipped cream! Sometimes in our religious way we can become condescending. “Here I am to help….  you poor sinner!” But Jesus always treated people with honor and respect…the woman at the well who had five husbands and was living with a man…the woman caught in adultery…Zaccheus the scoundrel.
Dr. C. Russell Archer is one of my heroes of the faith. He was a true statesman in the kingdom of God who walked in integrity and grace. My good friend Angie Grimes worked in his office for many years and I asked her what was the character quality that impressed her the most about Dr. Archer. She said, “It didn’t matter whether someone was a window washer or the governor, when they walked through the front door of that office he treated every individual as if they were the most important person on the planet.”
That is generous honor. Jesus said, “ When you do it to the least of these my brothers, you’ve done it onto Me.”

Nancy Rupli
Honor releases the good and the God in others. Jesus couldn’t perform miracles in his own home town because he wasn’t honored. As we generously show genuine honor to the old and the young, to the greatest and the least we bring out the best in others and the best in ourselves. “HONOR all people….”

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that's excellent! I want to live like that!
