Generous Loving
A seasoned pastor recently took my wife and I out to lunch. We got to talking about all his stories and experiences as he and his wife led dying churches back to health. As we were wrapping up the afternoon, I asked him what is the one piece of advice he would give a pastor just starting out. He quickly responded, "Make it all about love. Just love everybody. " The simplicity, yet profoundness, of his statement led me to another question. I asked, "Does it come naturally to you, or is this something that has to be intentional?" He gave the answer I was hoping for, being that I has felt very convicted by this statement Sometimes it is hard to love others, and often people can make themselves hard to love. The love that I am talking about is not an emotion; it is an action and a decision. Being a generous lover is one who makes sacrifices to show love to even the most unlovable. The answer to the question is: Love needs to be intentional. The scriptures say this: "God is love." It paints a wonderful truth in my mind that really being a generous lover is sharing God and there is a lot of Him to go around.
Generous Forgiving
Generosity and forgiveness are two principles that when put together can radically change the path of one's life. I believe the act of forgiveness is one of the most powerful acts in the course of life. We see the most brilliant display of this in the illustration of Jesus as he is hanging nailed to the big wooden cross. With his adversaries standing before him in mockery, He cried out, "Father, forgive them for they know not what they are doing."
A generous forgiver gives out forgiveness freely because they have received forgiveness with out charge. Forgiveness can be one of the most difficult actions you can take. It is saying to one that owes you, whether an apology, dignity, money, or otherwise, "I release you from what you owe and you are free, no strings attached. Forgiveness is a key player in the spiritual economy. Jesus said when you forgive others, God can forgive you. I want to do my part in causing a booming spiritual economy. Being generous forgivers is like a continual stimulus package!
Generous Serving
I believe Being a generous server is the most contagious form of generosity. A friend of mine recently told me a story of a man in his church that had suffered from polio and the disease had taken a toll on his body and had probably carried over to his mental well being as well. The reality is, this hunched over man was a physical mess in every way, although his heart loved the Lord. My friend told me the Lord moved on his heart to go and clean this man's house. He had no idea what lie ahead of him as my friend purposed to go clean this waste land. He didn't recruit a team or hire a crew, he just rolled up his sleeves and wore some gloves and dove in. After that, my friend gave this man a bath for the first time in over 6 months, cut his toe nails and cleaned him up. Well of course, when this once dirty and offensive smelling man showed up on Sunday polished and cared for, the word got out about the generous serving that had taken place, and the church quickly organized a team to regularly care for this man.
Generous Giving

"He, who gives what he would as readily throw away, gives without generosity; for the essence of generosity is in self-sacrifice."
This both defines what generous giving is not and what its made out of. I remember two similar events that contrast each other and give a clear picture of what he talks about here. Early in our ministry, my wife and I were basically dirt poor and lived literally on God's provision. All the money we had went to continuing the work we were doing in our community. One morning we woke up and noticed that our porch was full of groceries. These were not leftover canned goods. They were purchased groceries from Target. Now I don't know anyone that buys groceries at Target. This was not a cheap gift, and it came just in time for us. This person has remained anonymous and knows the principle of generosity as the essence of self-sacrifice.
My second illustration is not as beautiful. It also involves another porch donor. This time it was a big old box of stinky, worn out shoes, all in a box thrown together. I couldn't possibly give these shoes to anyone and feel o.k. about it. This box quickly made its way to the trash can. There is the old saying when it comes to giving gifts, "It's the thought that counts.'' I would say to that, "Just don't think of me when it comes to your trash!" This person has also remained anonymous.
I want to be a strategic giver that makes a difference and advances the kingdom of God.
At the core of generosity is an understanding that it is a one-way street. Never does a truly generous heart expect anything in return. We can't get away from this underlying truth that remains as an undercurrent. And that spiritual principle is best laid out in Proverbs 11:25:
We just can't escape it. God loves to bless the generous man!"The generous man will be prosperous. And he who waters will himself be watered."
George Williams
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